
... fostering your competitiveness with tailored knowledge transfer and proven practices...


7-Steps for Digital Twins: Readiness Assessment

This assessment is intended to then explore the readiness of a company to implement solutions b…

Provided by clesgo GmbH (last modified 1 year, 3 months ago); viewed 80 times and quoted 2 times

Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of Manufacturing


OMiLAB Innovation Corner

OMiLAB Innovation Corner - Innovation and Assessment Service

Provided by BOC Group (last modified 1 year, 3 months ago); viewed 718 times and quoted 0 times

Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of IT & Computing, Manufacturing


Building applications based on SISL or GoTools

To provide consultancy for the development of dedicated applications targeting 3D CAD-type geom…

Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 654 times and quoted 0 times

Consulting related to Data Analytics, Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products


3D reconstruction from in situ sensor data

Consultancy services related to the reconstruction of as-built 3D models that can be used to de…

Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 731 times and quoted 0 times

Consulting related to Data Analytics, Digitalization for Manufacturing, Material Simulation, Product Simulation in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products, Metal Products