... fostering your competitiveness with tailored knowledge transfer and proven practices...
This assessment is intended to then explore the readiness of a company to implement solutions b…
Provided by clesgo GmbH (last modified 1 year, 3 months ago); viewed 80 times and quoted 2 times
Consulting related to Business Consultancy in the context of Manufacturing
To provide consultancy for the development of dedicated applications targeting 3D CAD-type geom…
Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 654 times and quoted 0 times
Consulting related to Data Analytics, Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products
Consultancy services related to the reconstruction of as-built 3D models that can be used to de…
Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 731 times and quoted 0 times
Consulting related to Data Analytics, Digitalization for Manufacturing, Material Simulation, Product Simulation in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products, Metal Products