... boosting your innovation with engineering and manufacturing solutions in the cloud...
Elevate your logistics efficiency with precision palletization. Our advanced mathematical progr…
Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 2 months ago); viewed 701 times and quoted 0 times
App related to Cloud-based Solutions, Digitalization for Manufacturing, Supply Chain Simulation in the context of Manufacturing
The Marketplace as a Service is tailored for (E)DIHs) helping manufacturers in their digitizati…
Provided by Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (last modified 1 year, 3 months ago); viewed 758 times and quoted 0 times
App related to Business Consultancy, Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of IT & Computing
SISL is a geometric toolkit (in C) to model curves and surfaces targeting the needs for NURBS f…
Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 699 times and quoted 0 times
App related to Digitalization for Manufacturing in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products
GoTools is a collection of C++ geometry libraries with a special focus on spline/NURBS represen…
Provided by SINTEF Digital (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 716 times and quoted 0 times
App related to Data Analytics, Digitalization for Manufacturing, Manufacturing Simulation in the context of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products